Mystical Body

Christ the King

Christ the King

Rome, November 1st, 2019 “In order to build the Kingdom, Jesus called men to make them disciples” Directory of Spirituality, 118 Dear Fathers, Brothers, Seminarians, and Novices,  On Sunday, November 24th, the last of the liturgical year, we will celebrate the solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the universe, a feast that was instituted relatively […]

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Resurrection of Our Lord

Being in the World

Rome, August 1, 2019 Being in the world without being of the world Directory of Spirituality, 46 Dear Fathers, Brothers, Seminarians and Novices: On the 6th of August we will commemorate with great joy and solemnity the specific end of our very small Religious Family, the evangelization of the culture, that is, to transfigure it

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“[We] must become ‘other Christs’ through the holiness of our lives”

“[We] must become ‘other Christs’ through the holiness of our lives”

Constitutions, 7 Rome, Italy, November 1, 2017. Solemnity of All Saints Dear Fathers, Brothers, Seminarians, and Novices, Pope John XXII, in a very renowned phrase, affirmed “Give me a religious who has been faithful to the rule for his whole life and I will canonize him without any further examination.” This sentence, both brief and

“[We] must become ‘other Christs’ through the holiness of our lives” Read More »