Institute of the Incarnate Word


We want to be founded in Jesus Christ who has come  in the flesh (1 Jn 4:2), and only in Christ, and always in Christ. We want Christ to be in everything and in all, and all of Christ, because the Rock is Christ,9 and no other foundation can any one lay (1 Cor 3:11). We want to love and serve Jesus Christ – his Body and his Spirit.

(Constitutions n.7)



Non Negotiables

Apostolic Creativity

Apostolic Creativity   “One cannot be an apostle without being creative; and without being creative, one cannot be a missionary.”[1] Hence, for us who confess

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Non Negotiables

The Works of Mercy

The Works of Mercy   In a society in which science and technology advance at dizzying speeds, and notwithstanding the social and industrial development that

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Non Negotiables

Marian Devotion

Marian Devotion   According to article 4 of our Constitutions, which expresses the charism proper to the Institute, we confess ourselves to be essentially “missionaries

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Non-negotiables Elements

We want to offer a presentation of what we call the “non-negotiable elements” of our Institute. With this expression we refer to some points pertaining to our spirituality, formation and apostolate that have been seen as inseparable from our charism …

our purpose

Like all Institutes of the consecrated life, both religious and secular, we have universal and common purpose – which is often called a vocation – for which we want to follow Christ more closely under the action of the Holy Spirit, dedicating ourselves totally to God as our supreme love…