Purpose of this website


Our Charism is dedicated to the diffusion of the charism and abundant spiritual patrimony of the Institute of the Incarnate Word. Here your religious will find material about the various elements that express the identity and form of consecrated life in the Institute according to its “particular spirituality and apostolate”[1]. Although the site is intended primarily for the religious of the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word, with the intention of increasing their love for their own Institute and of reaffirming and cultivating their own identity in the Church, members of the Third Order and the general public will also be able to nourish themselves with the patrimony of the Institute.

Convinced that “ongoing configuration to Christ comes about according to the charism and provisions of the institute to which the religious belongs”[2], we trust that the unfathomable spiritual wealth that God has given to the Institute of the Incarnate Word, of which you will find some samples here, constitutes a precious legacy for future generations of religious so that by continually returning to the spirit bequeathed by the Founder and to the fulfillment of their own right, they may conform themselves more and better to the ideal of the religious of the Incarnate Word, with the necessary adaptations.

“To enter a religious family means means embracing its charism and spirituality as one’s own, to accept it as a framework in which life offered to the Lord must flourish through the giving of oneself.”[3].

-St. John Paul II

[1] Cf. Vita Consecrata, 48.
[2] Essential Elements of Religious Life, 46.
[3] To priests and religious men and women in Bujumbura (Burundi), (6/9/1990).