Circular letters

August 2016 to June 2019

Christ the King

Christ the King

Rome, November 1st, 2019 “In order to build the Kingdom, Jesus called men to make them disciples” Directory of Spirituality, 118 Dear Fathers, Brothers, Seminarians,

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St John Paul II

“Do not be afraid!”

Rome, October 1st, 2019 “Do not be afraid!” Saint John Paul II Dear Fathers, Brothers, Seminarians, and Novices, During the month of October that begins

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Resurrection of Our Lord

Being in the World

Rome, August 1, 2019 Being in the world without being of the world Directory of Spirituality, 46 Dear Fathers, Brothers, Seminarians and Novices: On the

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United in the Mission

Rome, June 1, 2019 United in the Mission Directory of Fraternal Life, 25 Dear Fathers, Brothers, Seminarians, and Novices,  During the month that the Church

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