Circular letters
August 2016 to June 2019
“[We] must become ‘other Christs’ through the holiness of our lives”
Constitutions, 7 Rome, Italy, November 1, 2017. Solemnity of All Saints Dear Fathers, Brothers, Seminarians, and Novices, Pope John XXII, in a very renowned phrase,
“The Word of God […] is precisely our Institute’s true strength”
Directory of Spirituality, 238 DirecMemorial of Saint Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church Rome, Italy September 30, 2017 Dear Priests, Brothers, Seminarians, and Novices,
“Our ‘particular style of sanctification and of apostolate”
Directory of Consecrated Life, 2 Rome, Italy, September 1, 2017 Dear Fathers, Brothers, Seminarians, and Novices, The Sacred Congregation for Religious and for Secular Institutes
“Transfigure the world”
Rome, Italy August 1, 2017 Dear Priests, Seminarians, Brothers, and Novices, The miracle of the Transfiguration of our Lord which celebration we are approaching “reminds
“Apostolic and Missionary Creativity”
Rome, Italy, July 1, 2017 Dear Priests, Seminarians, Brothers, and Novices, “One cannot be an apostle without being creative; and without being creative, one cannot
“Sink your teeth into reality”
Rome, Italy June 1, 2017 Month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Dear Priests, Seminarians, Brothers, and Novices, “If the Church wants good ministers—said